
时间:2024-07-11 06:56:49 开题报告 我要投稿





  Nowadays a growing number of people, especially the 20s or 30s, tend to stay indoors for most of their spare time, especially on holidays. Some spend the majority of the time online chatting, blogging, shopping, dating or playing computer games. Some sit with their eyes glued to the television screen, day and night.

  People’s opinions vary when it comes to this way of killing time. A great number of people maintain that staying indoors is cheap, comfortable, and most importantly, very safe. Others, however, frown upon staying indoors for too long. They are worried that lack of physical exercise and face-to-face communication with others will do harm to people’s body and mind.

  Personally, I don’t think staying indoors for most of the day should be advocated. Instead, people in all ages, their physical conditions permitting, should be encouraged to spend more time outdoors. The brilliant sunshine, the pleasant green space, the interactions with other people, etc. are all good for people’s health, both physically and psychologically.


  There are many ways to success, such as hard working, passion or good preparations. From Honore De Balzac’s famous remark, “There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power”, we can see that the way to success is having a strong will.

  A strong will is essential if we want to achieve our goals. Initially, every success involves several stages of setbacks and risks, and we need to summon up our will to overcome them. Moreover, there are enormous temptations in our path of the pursuit of success. Only with a strong will can we resist the temptation, and persist in chasing our goals until we reach them.

  The long history of human being has also proved that only those with a strong will can achieve success at last. We are all familiar with Thomas Edison’s story that he had tried one thousand kinds of materials before he finally made his great bulb light up. Without a strong will, Edison might have been a nobody. Without a strong will, no one can succeed.


  At the picture depicts, a father told his son that he should read deeply rather than merely pursue the quantity of reading materials. It reflects that people tend to browse and scan e-books without stopping to ponder even one question. The way we read is so superficial that it arouses great concern in modern life.

  To be a better reader, we had better do as follows. For one thing, take notes about crucial details as we used to do. Taking notes can avoid the phenomenon that the more we read online or on smart phones, the less we seemed to memorize. For another, classics deserve to be savored by the contemporary people. For example, some classical novels can be read free on Kindle, which makes them popular among youngsters again. What's more, if we did not make summaries from time to time, nothing that we learnt from e-books would truly be ours.

  In conclusion, when we enjoy digital reading, we should consciously conducts deep reading. Try our best to keep those good habits which are acquired in the process of paper reading, such as intensive reading and deep thinking.


  In recent years there has been a dramatic rise in the cell phones, which are now essential to millions of people as a convenient form of communication. In 20xx the number reached 315,000,000, with an average annual increase at 57,500,000.

  Some people can now no longer imagine life without their cell phones. The fact that they are so popular proves that they are useful and convenient. Cell phones enable people to easily and quickly communicate with one another; wherever you are, you can instantly reach somebody. Cell phones eliminate the trouble of not being able to meet someone in person, and therefore increase business’s efficiency.

  Mobile phones necessarily also harbor disadvantages. The radiation such phones emit is hazardous to one’s health. Furthermore, if people become too reliant on the use of cell phones, our face to face skills may decline. Any new invention has its drawbacks, and such negative aspects cannot always diminish its popularity. Despite the negative effects of television, for example, the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate. This is also the case with mobile phones. People won’t stop eating just because of the risk of choking. In addition, the swift development of science and technology will likely eliminate the hazards cell phones may cause. One can safely predict, therefore, that with the introduction of new techniques, mobile phones will have more applications and become even more appealing to customers.


  Many people in the workforce are unhappy with their current salaries or career and consider a change or a betterment of their lives through discovering new avenues of industry. Adult education is on the rise. I personally hold that adult education is highly advisable and completely achievable3 and therefore is highly important.

  Firstly, adults starting a new or returning to school most often have found within themselves a strengthened desire to succeed. Studies have shown that 80% of adult students graduate as compared to a 50% average graduation rate among traditional students. Furthermore, adults have a bank of knowledge from life or work experience that can contribute to what they will learn in school. This is a fantastic advantage over their younger peers. Adults also view their professors as peers and are less intimidated by them, Last but not least, higher education for the adult is a life-changing experience. Most often, adults go to school to further their education in hopes of salary increases, chances for promotion, or they go to school for change, hoping to enter into a better field or pursue a field that they have a deep-rooted passion for.

  In conclusion, the importance of having adult education overshadows the difficulties in pursuing your degree later in life. Given that most colleges and universities have tailored their programs to fit adult student's needs and schedules, going back to school for adult education is feasible and highly advisable. (238 words)


  Sportsmanship is a great tradition in sports and competitions that means playing clean and handling both victory and defeat with grace, style, and dignity. Today, quite a few athletes lack sportsmanship. I personally hold that good sportsmanship is of vital importance for both the athletes themselves and their offspring.

  Firstly, practicing good sportsmanship wins respect. When you win, the trick is to be a gracious and generous winner. Good sportsmanship means acknowledging victories without humiliating opponents, being quietly proud of success, and letting victories speak for themselves. Even if you win by a landslide, good sportsmanship means still finding ways to compliment your opponents. By demonstrating your respect to your opponents, you win respect from them too. Secondly, good sportsmanship teaches children how they should behave. Kids learn the basics of sportsmanship from the adults in their lives, especially their parents and their coaches. Kids who see adults behavin in a sportsmanlike way gradually come to understand that the real winners in sports are those who know how to persevere and to behave with dignity-whether they win or lose a game. A child who practices good sportsmanship is likely to carry the respect and appreciation of other people into every other aspect of life.

  In conclusion, sportsmanship is a manifestation of our own ethics in real life. For the sake of sportsmen themselves and the generation to come, good sportsmanship should be highly advocated. (235 words)


  We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don’t do a very good job. Here are some suggestions on how to give a good speech.

  First of all, it is important to plan. Do your homework. Find out everything you can about your subject. And, at the same time, find out as much as you can about your audience. Who are they? What do they know about your subject? Do they have a common interest? Why are they coming to hear you speak? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech. Just remember: be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion.

  Let us suppose that you have been asked to introduce the main speaker at a meeting. First, find out the most important and interesting things about the speaker. Then, summarize this information in a few words. Remember, you are not the main speaker; you are introducing the main speaker.

  If you are giving a lecture or explaining an idea, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of time doing your research. Then spend plenty of time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures or charts if they will help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Don’t talk over their heads, and don’t talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  If you follow these simple steps, you’ll see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you ask to make more speeches! You’re not convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens.


  Nowadays many universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, more and more students choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. It’s obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role in China’s college education。

  Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus. Moreover, in social practice activities, students can apply their knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility。

  Considering the above-mentioned, I think, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Therefore, we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study。


  Dear Ms. Riddle,I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from your Oral English class this Thursday morning.

  Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from my cousin, who is now operating a small company in suburbs of this city. He needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most trustworthy person, so he wants me to make an attempt. It seems to me that this is a golden opportunity to put what I have learned in your class into practice, but I need your permission of absence. If you think I may go and help him overcome the difficulty, I am confident that Ill do a good job and both of us will be thankful.

  Earnestly yours,Tony


  Moral Building on Campus

  Recently, if you search the internet or other media, you would see reports on demoralization now and then. Universities are no exception. These demoralization shows in the following aspects: theft, lack of credibility, cheating in examinations, plagiarism in papers, improper interaction with the opposite sex etc. In sum, moral building on campus is of critical importance in students’ all-round development.

  On one hand, this requires the universities to attach great importance to natural environment planning and building. A good campus environment plays an active role in cultivating students’ ideology and moral education. On the other hand, the staff in the university should find the best in both Chinese and Western culture to educate the students. Students can learn important lessons from Western cultures, adding to our profound morality.

  We, as students in the university, should be aware of the importance of moral building. We should do something to support the moral building work, starting from little things around us. Students Union should organize some activities for students to take part in, highlighting the importance of moral building.


  With the development of technology as well as economy, more and more students begin to use their WAP phones to surf the Internet. Admittedly, WAP phones have broughtconvenience to us –surfing the Internetanytime anywhere. Nevertheless, its bad impact can not be ignored. In the first place, apart from those who can control themselves, most of the students are addicted to playing with WAP phones. They set study, their main tasks, aside and spend much time on their WAP phones. In the second place, since students can surf the Internet with WAP phones anytime anywhere, they are likely to do it all the time. As a result, they will spend much money on the Internet. Thus, those who are financially dependent on their parents will greatly increase the financial burden on their parents.

  Based on the above, it’s safe to come to the conclusion that it’s advisable for the students to use WAP phones in an appropriate way.


  Nowadays, oral English is quite a serious problem among Chinese students. Most of the students have studied English for a long time, but they cant communicate well with other people in English. In addition, there are still many other students who can understand every word of a article, but fail to read them out fluently and correctly.

  Many reasons contribute to this problem. Among these reasons, examination-oriented education system plays a vital role. Whats more, most of the students are too shy and nervous to speak in public.









